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Succès Scolaire
Find my tutor

We guide our students step by step towards success.

Our commitment to you and your child

Experienced tutors

Satisfaction guaranteed

Secure environment

Attentive advisors

Competitive prices

Services éprouvés

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The student is at the heart of our actions

We work in synergy with the various actors involved in the various spheres of your child's life.

Our certified tutors, our caring approach

We select the best female and male tutors in Quebec and Canada to be part of our dedicated and qualified team. Our selection process is based on strict criteria and takes into account our human values.

Only 1 in 4 candidates passes our selection process.

Find my tutor

Follow your child's progress

Use our intuitive portal to easily track your child's progress. You will have access to summaries after each session and progress reports after ten hours of tutoring. This ensures ongoing and transparent communication.

Looking for support that makes a difference?

Talk to an advisor

Learning? It pays off!

For 20 hours of tutoring, receive a $40 credit to continue supporting your child's academic success.

Discover our services

Our team

We are here to support you.

Felix Morin


Nelly Diversy

Vice President

Vanessa Bouffard

Human Resources Technician

Diane Le Blanc

Talent Acquisition and Employee Experience Manager

Mariève Pelland-Giroux

Communications and Marketing Manager

Our values


Demonstrate the empathy needed to understand the situation of the other party, whoever they may be, and build trusting relationships.


Avoir le courage de se remettre en cause et d’oser prendre des initiatives visant à l’amélioration des pratiques et des relations de l’entreprise.


Demonstrate the necessary empathy to understand the situation of the other party, whatever it may be, in order to ensure pleasant interactions.


Démontrer l’empathie nécessaire à la compréhension de la situation de l’autre parti quel qu’il soit et bâtir des relations de confiance.


To actively engage in achieving our individual goals, those of our peers, and the company's.

Discover our services
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