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Succès Scolaire
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Our values


Demonstrate the empathy needed to understand the situation of the other party, whoever they may be, and build trusting relationships.


Having the courage to question oneself and daring to take initiatives aimed at improving the company's practices and relationships.


Demonstrate the necessary empathy to understand the situation of the other party, whatever it may be, in order to ensure pleasant interactions.


Demonstrate the empathy needed to understand the situation of the other party, whatever it may be, and build trusting relationships.


To actively engage in achieving our individual goals, those of our peers, and the company's.

Meet our team

Felix Morin


Nelly Diversy

Vice President

Laurence Poissant

Vice President of Sales & Marketing

Diane Le Blanc

Talent Acquisition and Employee Experience Manager

Vanessa Bouffard

Human Resources Technician

Mariève Pelland-Giroux

Communications and Marketing Manager

David Dotia

Accounting Manager

Gabrielle Lemieux

Customer Service Supervisor

Imane El Ouardi

Customer Service Agent

Maeva Vaudrion

Operations Supervisor

Pascal Motard

Tutoring Coordinator - Team Leader

Princia Ramamonjisoa

Tutoring Coordinator

Rébécca Larose

Tutoring Coordinator

Fatma Zohra-Nocef

Tutoring Coordinator

Catherine Bourdage

Tutoring Coordinator

RĂ©becca Grenier

Tutoring Coordinator

Magalie Landry

School Services Supervisor

Penda Cissokho

School Services Manager

Maud Le Troidec

School Services Manager

Caroline Obé Guignet

School Services Manager

Trécy Bernard

School Services Coordinator

Yasmina M'Sakni

Head of Family Services

Kawtar Blayha

Family Services Agent

Yelly Coulibaly

Family Services Agent

Parnell Adam

Director of Pedagogy

Laila Mozayen

Course and logistics manager

Andréa Uzal

School Organization Technician

Nicolas Mochel

Director of Operations - School Store

Guillaume Courville

Operations Supervisor - School Store

Anthony Sunseri

Head of Public Relations

Justine Briche

Head of Public Relations

Mehdi Monerie


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